You can post a free listing at at no cost. You will need to create an account using Google Open ID or username and password.
- Click Login or Register on the top right side of any page
- Register using a Google account
- The system will generate a verification code and send it to the email provided
- Check your email, if you cannot find it, check the Spam folder
- Make sure to mark email from as not spam, to ensure you receive all communication in regards to your account in the future.
- After you verify your email address
- Click a "Hamburger" button in the left top corner of the website
- Click Listings
- Click + add button
- Select Category and Sub-category that matches the best to the area of your services
- Specify Title, Description, Url, and Phone Number if applicable
- Set Location
- Click Save
- Upload an Image (listings with images attract more attention and are crawled more often by the search engines)
- Done
- Now you can view your listings and share them with your friends and family.